Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Photos from Day 2

The first image of the Royal Courts as you turn the corner is striking - it has the grandeur of all buildings from that age but not the same decrepit feel of a building that has fallen out of use. From what Senior Master Whitaker told us, it seems like a lot of effort (and $) is taken to restore the building and keep it in a functioning state. Like us, they suffer the problems of a building that is falling apart and needs constant repair. But unlike us, their building is 140 years old. HMM.

Trigger happy me started snapping away once we got to the front gate.

Once we entered, there were signs everywhere that cameras and photos were not allowed anywhere in the RCJ. Such a shame, because the main hall is a real sight to behold, and so are all the chambers with their lovely ornate fireplaces and the courtrooms with wooden relief everywhere.

As Denise stated in her post, we had a very interesting day sitting in with the Masters. They are all lovely friendly people and extended a very warm welcome to us. Denise and I concluded that lawyers are as full of nonsense here as anywhere else in the world. (But I think they get away with it less in our system.) On the whole, everyone is very civil, very dignus.

Dinner was belgian mussels and beer at Belgos. Good stuff, cannot bluff. Cheers!

PS: I'm up at 5.30am again. ARGH.

Cool and sunny. Warm when sun is beating down your back, but very pleasant in the evenings.

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